Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Good news for me:  the fuckers art Comcast raised my cable bill about $80 a month.  How is that good news you ask?  Well, when I called them to complain, the very nice woman said "Let's see if we can get something figured out for you."  That's always a nice approach to take, especially with me. I can be a bit high strung" know, sort of like the cables on a Rocky Mountain suspension bridge. 

Finally, Nice Woman-Exhibit A comes back to me with a package that is slightly more than what I had been paying and slightly less than what my new bill had become. It included all the pay cables, most notably Cinemax.  How I missed me some hot mail ass on a Friday night, so I was happy to sign up. 

Then a week later, I am bragging to my brother in Philadelphia that I now have Cinemax. He always had all the other pay cables, but never the Max.  He deflated me by saying "I have it, too, now."  WhenI inquired about when and how he got Cinemax he said, "My bill went up and this nice woman worked with me to get a better package rate." 

Zounds!  I was duped!   And I thought I was the only person in the world whom Nice Woman-Exhibit A chose to help. Life can be so disheartening sometimes. 

Whatever. At least I have Cinemax now, and I have been catching up on all the male tail offerings that I have so missed. 

One of the series that I never saw is Lingerie. It's got quite a few hotties in it who aren't afraid to show us some very fine ass on a regular basis. I won't start with my favorite. I will get to him when this Blog is more entrenched. 

Instead I will go to Jonathan Steen, a slender, sleek blond hottie who shows a very fine and slightly fuzzy butt. 

For the video, you can download an MV4...

Jonathan Steen #1 in MV4

This should play perfectly in your Itunes. I've been having some conversion problems, so if this is a problematic download, just let me know and I will see what I can do. 


  1. Nice feature on Jonathan. Since you've got some catch-up to do on Cinemax, you should check out the first season of Lingerie. The actor playing Jonathan's roommate on the first series who is also Lacy's brother is a real hottie and there are plenty of shots of his ass in action. Unfortunately I don't remember this actor's name but he was replaced with someone less attractive on season two.

  2. That guy's name is Matthew Fitzgerald. I have him in the pipeline. He was replaced by Marcus Thomas, but I couldn't tell the difference. I thought they both looked alike! LOL! I noticed that Thomas was more willing to show his body than Fitzgerald, which may have been part of the reason he didn't make it to season 2. Fitzgerald has the most peculiar body language and runs by swinging his arms like a see saw. It's the strangest thing, but he's DAMN cute!
